Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Fingers Crossed!

Well ladies and gents! If you can imagine there I was fiddling around with the wires around my desk getting it tidied up for the cable guy who is coming to fix my failing modem. I saw that my cricut was plugged into the wrong power supply (a different power cord etc) and so not thinking it would help at all (power is power right! lol) I switched the cords and gave it a whirl and a MIRACLE happened!!! it seemed to fix the issue. I only had time for a quick test cut but it seemed good.

Yay, Yay, Yay!

I never would have thought that using a different power cord would have created the issue.

Keep your fingers crossed that when I craft tonight it's still fixed! ;)



  1. So glad you found the problem and were able to solve it easily. BethAnn M.

  2. Thank goodness! I was starting to think we were going to miss some of your beautiful creations.

    PS. I have got my friend addicted to making the flower sets you showed/told me how to make!
